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 619: Sympathy for the Parents

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Team Coups de Coeur
Team Coups de Coeur

❙ Potins : 3823
❙ Je suis né(e) le : 19/03/1983
❙ J'ai : 41
❙ Sexe : Féminin
❙ Je suis : Poissons
❙ Ma localisation est : Alsace

619: Sympathy for the Parents Empty
MessageSujet: 619: Sympathy for the Parents   619: Sympathy for the Parents EmptyMer 31 Mar - 13:35

619: Sympathy for the Parents

619: Sympathy for the Parents 210
+ de photos: Ici

Diffusion: 1er avril 2010

When Alex's younger brother, Aaron, shows up at Seattle Grace-Mercy West with a hernia, it's up to Alex to get Bailey's approval for his pro bono surgery. Matters are further complicated when Aaron discloses that his family has not heard from Alex since he arrived in Seattle, and parts of Alex's past long kept secret are revealed to his friends and fellow doctors, on "Grey's Anatomy," THURSDAY, APRIL 1 (9:00-10:01 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.